Help the needy families in Gaza

by Wakas Mir Tags : GazA, help gaza, Palestine

  • kr 15000

    Funding Goal
  • kr 16050

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
  • Target Goal

    Campaign End Method
Raised Percent :
Campaign is either complete or can not be funded at the moment.
Gaza, Palestinian Territory

Wakas Mir

44 Campaigns | 0 Loved campaigns

See full bio.

We have a trusted contact in Norway who has family in Gaza. He has been sending aid directly to a trusted member of his family near the border, who further distributes the funds in the form of groceries and medicine to families that have escaped the Gaza genocide by being at a safe area among other affectees who have lost their family members and are in an extremely bad condition.

Last month, we sent some funds, and given the escalating situation there, we will be sending more funds to our contact in Palestine. This individual receives the funds through a card provided by the Norwegian family. We add the funds from here, enabling him to easily access and distribute them.

When you send the funds, we will add the documentation on this page. With pictures.