Showing all 6 results
Hjelp oss å fullføre en moske i Pakistan
Location: Pakistan
Funding Goal: kr 5000
Raised: kr 5680
Funded percent: 100 %
Date expired
Barnas fremtid : Støtt innkjøp av ny moskelokal for barn og ungdom
Location: Norway
Funding Goal: kr 25000
Raised: kr 39819
Funded percent: 100 %
Date expired
Help us complete the Pindigheb mosque
Location: Pakistan
Funding Goal: kr 5000
Raised: kr 8166
Funded percent: 100 %
Date expired
Let’s support the Prinsdal Musalah
Location: Norway
Funding Goal: kr 30000
Raised: kr 35050
Funded percent: 100 %
Date expired
Støtt bygging av en ny moske
Location: Norway
Funding Goal: kr 35000
Raised: kr 41150
Funded percent: 100 %
Date expired
Støtt innkjøp av lokal/tomt for Masjid
Location: Norway
Funding Goal: kr 10000
Raised: kr 11430
Funded percent: 100 %
Date expired